Sunday, November 14, 2004

Thanks, ladies!

Thanks to those who attended today's craft and bake sale -- even though we had a small group, we raised over $100 for Globe Santa. My photos didn't come out well, alas, so you'll just have to imagine the gala festivities!

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Join us on Nov. 14 to benefit Globe Santa!

Bidding at last year's charity bake/craft sale Posted by Hello

Monday, November 01, 2004

Nov. 14 Holiday Party/Auction to Benefit Globe Santa

We've decided to make Globe Santa the beneficiary of proceeds from our 3rd annual craft/bake sale and holiday party on Sunday, November 14. We'll be meeting at the home of Jean L. in Andover, Massachusetts at 2:30 p.m. for hot cider, desserts, socializing, and a silent auction of homemade crafts and bake items. Please don't be intimidated by the idea of making something for the sale -- we don't need anything fancy (the highest bid in the past was around $15) -- typical items include baked goods, jams, gift tags and holiday cards, candy wreaths, gifts in jars (cookie mixes, etc.), holiday ornaments, embroidered bookmarks, decorated votives, and so on. There are plenty of ideas on the internet. But, if you aren't handy and don't bake, just come along, chat with sisters, and bid on items to raise funds for a Choose Children charity! Contact Jan at for details and directions.