The next Alpha Xi Delta meeting is set for Saturday May 20th at 10am. We will be meeting at Panera Bread in Dedham. Please plan to come to enjoy some coffee or tea along with some wonderful pastries with your sisters to look at this past years events and plan out the 2006-2007 events.
Panera Bread is located at 797 Providence Hwy(Rt 1 south side) Dedham MA 02026 (781) 493-6543. Take Rt 128S to exit Rt 1 North (Dedham). Once you take this exit continue down Rt 1 North. You will pass the Dedham National Showcase Theatre on your right. Continue through two sets of lights. At the second set of lights, get into the left hand lane to make the left turn into the Dedham Plaza. (Friday's is on your right). Drive into the parking lot of the plaza and Panera Bread is on the left hand side (behind the grocery store). Please contact Kendra or bostonalphaxi@comcast.net by the end of the day on May 19 if you plan to attend.