Please mark your calendar and come to the next Boston Alpha Xi Delta Philanthropy meeting on Sunday October 16th at 1pm. The meeting will be held at Jan H.'s house in Burlington MA. We are supporting Starlight Starbright Children's Foundation. This organization is an international non-profit organization dedicated to brightening the lives of seriously ill and hospitalized children and their families through innovative programs that empower, educate, entertain, and inspire. Their website is http://www.starlightnewengland.org/ if you are interested in finding out more about this organization.
Our meeting on Sunday the 16th will focus on two things. First, we need your energy to help assemble 10 "parties in a box". These boxes will include games, toys, and art supplies. The Starlight Starbright Children's Foundation will supply all of the items, boxes and shipping labels/costs. The assembly usually takes one person about a half-hour. Second, each party box costs about $100. Our group would like to be able to donate at least $100 to Starlight Starbright Children's Foundation. Please consider supporting this by donating towards this goal. If you are able to attend on the 16th, you can bring your donation then. If you are unable to attend, contact Jan at bostonalphaxi@comcast.net.
Please consider coming to support a wonderful cause and spend a couple of hours socialzing with your sisters! Please RSVP to Jan or Kendra L. by Friday October 14th. If you are able to attend, we will also need your help to ship a party box. All of the shipping cost are covered, we just need help taking the boxes.