Monday, October 01, 2007
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Convention 2007

This year's convention features a 5K race and a silent auction to benefit the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation, tours of the newly renovated Fraternity Headquarters, and the traditional Rose Banquet.
The General Session speaker will be Jen Schefft (Ohio University), sharing her lessons on love and life that she learned through her experience on ABC's The Bachelor and The Bachelorette.
Registration information and online form
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Founders' Day Group Photo
Founders Day Brunch, April 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
Founders Day Lunch -- April 7, 2007

Mark your calendar and save the date: on Saturday, April 7th the Greater Boston Alpha Xi Delta Alumnae Association will be celebrating Founders' Day with the new chapter at WPI in Worcester! The event will run from 11am-3pm. The details of the luncheon are still being worked out; details on cost of the meal will be sent out as soon as they are finalized.
Please RSVP to Kendra or bostonalphaxi@comcast.net by Thursday, April 5th if you are able to attend. If you need a ride to WPI, please let us know. And, if you are planning to go and will be driving, please let us know if you would be willing to carpool.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Our Centennial Celebration -- March 8, 1907 - 2007

It came into being at the same time as Lambda chapter at Jackson College (now part of Tufts University) in Medford, Massachusetts. The 20 collegiate members and 25 alumnae of a local sorority (Tau Epsilon Sigma) were installed as members of Alpha Xi Delta; the alumnae became the first members of the Boston Alumnae Chapter (now the Greater Boston Alumnae Association.)
A prominent founding member of the association was Ruth Sibley Haskell. An early history of the fraternity states: "The innate love of people which made her so loved as a fraternity officer [she served nine years on Alpha Xi Delta's National Council] also made her an earnest worker in the cause of woman suffrage and an untiring Red Cross worker during the [first] World War." She and her husband became benefactors of Tufts University; a scholarship and a dormitory at the university bear their name.
On this anniversary we celebrate the many Alpha Xi Delta sisters who have contributed to "The Sisterhood of Women" in the Boston area!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Save the Date -- April 7, 2007 -- Founders' Day with the WPI Colony
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