It came into being at the same time as Lambda chapter at Jackson College (now part of Tufts University) in Medford, Massachusetts. The 20 collegiate members and 25 alumnae of a local sorority (Tau Epsilon Sigma) were installed as members of Alpha Xi Delta; the alumnae became the first members of the Boston Alumnae Chapter (now the Greater Boston Alumnae Association.)
A prominent founding member of the association was Ruth Sibley Haskell. An early history of the fraternity states: "The innate love of people which made her so loved as a fraternity officer [she served nine years on Alpha Xi Delta's National Council] also made her an earnest worker in the cause of woman suffrage and an untiring Red Cross worker during the [first] World War." She and her husband became benefactors of Tufts University; a scholarship and a dormitory at the university bear their name.
On this anniversary we celebrate the many Alpha Xi Delta sisters who have contributed to "The Sisterhood of Women" in the Boston area!